Scientist and Entrepreneur in-process

< Jehan_
Alsawaf />;

"Hey sky, take off your hat, I'm on my way!"

About Me ;

Hello earthlings! My name is Jehan Alsawaf and I belong to a specie of curious and passionate individuals who enjoy programming, innovating, discussing, creating, and exploring the world through books and research papers. In addition to these pursuits, I also find joy in drawing, philosophizing, and indulging myself in all kind of cupcakes and sweet treats :)As an avid learner, I am constantly seeking new knowledge and experiences, but my deepest interests lie in the fields of space, science, and technology. I am particularly drawn to the areas of AI, robotics, and interstellar travel, as I aspire to contribute to these fields in meaningful ways. If humanity doesn't become closer to being a multiplantery specie in my lifetime I will be incredibly disappointed.

  • "Wonderful, I have absolutely no clue about it" - Me 99% of the time before forcing you to explain more.

  • Taking both dump and smart risks is my middle name.

  • I strongly believe that acquiring knowledge alone is meaningless unless it's shared with everyone around. So you can always start here by sharing your knowledge with me ;)

"The most important thing is to never stop asking."

Thank you for your time <3

Whether you're here to share your passions, learn new things, or simply chat, feel free to stop by and say hello! And if you happen to have a sweet tooth, there might be some Nidelkuchen waiting for you in my mailbox 😉.
Looking forward to meeting you!


Coming soon!